Dr. Jennea Klingenberg
I am a Transformation Strategist, mental health coach, travel enthusiast, encourager, and a Christian who enjoys the art of working with high achieving professionals elevate through personal transformation. My purpose is to help you identify your unique needs and wants through your own voice which displays what God had intended for your life by teaching you effective personal strategies. I work to change your life one thought at a time.
Dr. J earned her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and spent many years working with children and teens from many populations. She began her work counseling children with HIV in foster homes. This work led her to spend years to identify a place where they could just be themselves. Her dissertation started that journey and developed into a non-profit called The. H.O.Y.C.E. Center, Established in 2009.
​In the years to come, she extended her work to provide counseling and psychoeducational testing in elementary and high schools, working with students, staff, and parents to decrease the communication gap in order to best support the students' mental health.
In 2015 she started her own coaching and consulting company named NuWay Educational Corporation, now Jennea B Klingenberg. Through this company, Dr. J has delivered many trainings and coaching on various topics about parenting, goal setting, understanding mental health, transitions, finding your voice, how to live the life you expect to live, effective communication, and many more!
In 2021 she transitioned from a position in a public school and decided to work on her business 100%. This transition was particularly challenging because she felt that this was the job she always wanted. Working in the schools, collaborating with the University for a research study to understand middle school mental health, bringing the community into the schools to help support students and families, developing committees to focus on mental health in the school for staff, students, and family. She suffered what she calls Post Employment Trauma (P.E.T.). As she was still coaching and consulting, this separation from her employment caused a season of grief because she thought that was where she was supposed to be, especially having given so much of time, intellectual property, and energy to help the school community as much as possible. God had a different plan. After months of reconfiguring her business to focus 100% she did a lot of soul searching. She began to pivot from the guidance of God to helping professionals who work with youth. Post Pandemic, she found herself doing more mental health coaching with adults helping them understand their own mental health and how to manage their own trauma when working with this "new generation" of youth that do not respond to the same tactics that worked in previous generations. Dr. J has a niche for managing unmanageable behavior and de-escalating situations quickly.
In addition, she works with businesses to put mental health as a priority for employees. Whether you are your only employee or manage many. She is helping businesses to think outside the box and transform their mindset about mental health in the workplace. Dr. J has enjoyed the new pivot and is excited to help more professionals and businesses elevate to a new height.
Her most fulfilling work is with The H.O.Y.C.E. Center, a 501c3 non-profit organization committed to supporting youth and families with basic needs throughout the year. Though Dr. J is the Founder, her and her husband Jens are committed to supporting basic human needs as much as possible.
In her personal life, Dr. J has overcome many trials and tribulations. She was married to a narcissist and after ending that relationship in 2008, she had to fight the biggest enemy of all......herself. She had to fight her own fear with the armour of God. She had to rediscover who she was. Understanding what femininity was, how to communicate effectively generally and in a relationship responsibly, advocate for herself, not allow others to determine who she was, parent without guilt, manage an angry child after divorce, and much more! She has fought long and hard through her journey to be resilient and is raising her daughters to be the same, though not always easy as many parents know.
Dr. J has found joy again in her life as a wife of a wonderful and supportive husband, mother of a rambunctious toddler and exquisite teen. Though her life is not perfect, she found her power to elivate to what she wanted out of life so she can achieve internal success, joy, and peace.